The Re-brand
In 2021, DeFi Hustle was founded. It all began with a simple idea. At the height of the crypto mania bull run, the idea was to form a community that was driven by utility and smart investing. Whilst the audience and brand grew, we became more aware of the importance and necessity of macroeconomics, especially when trading and holding assets over long periods.
This is quite literally one of the most pivotal metrics required to excel in the financial space and can also be a serious addition to confluence when trading. Therefore, the group, channel, newsletter, and format for the publication and work rotated into market narratives and the importance of this intrinsic data.
Whilst we always keep our eyes on the immense gains that come with crypto, we are equally motivated to provide the very best investment advice that leaps over the unnecessary economics jargon that many modern-day groups and economists tend to force down your throat. The idea here is to aid individuals in their investment and trading journey, to make them the very best financial analyst they can be. DeFi Hustle…now Labyrinth Capital, is the very best place to fill those gaps in your learning you won’t be getting from anywhere else.
We are planning accordingly to implement a brand new economics course which will be related to trading and your investment strategies soon. This is all in the works. For now, we are open to questions.
The best place to contact us is Zak’s Telegram:
@The SubconciousTruth
or his Snapchat:
Alternatively, messaging through Twitter, or through the newsletter is a viable option as well.
This is referring to the DeFi Hustle Top Crypto projects 2022. We should reiterate that this is the 2022 booklet and therefore the projects on there are not up to date. Furthermore, there are pages inc FTX and LUNA. If purchasing bear this in mind. Find the PDF here.